Download facebook video downloader for chrome
Download facebook video downloader for chrome

The next step would be to insert the video page source.Once you finish the previous step, do not worry about the 2nd field.Now Copy (Ctrl+C) the video link and Paste (Ctrl+V) it the 1st field.In the same browser, open the Facebook video you want to download.Open one tab on your browser and go to the link.The process is similar to the first one that I mentioned above. Otherwise, it may show an error page.į is another popular online video downloader for downloading private Facebook videos and public videos. Plus, it will only work if you open both the tabs in the same browser. The process won’t work if you copy sources from the news feed, profile page, or any other Facebook page where the video is available. Please note, you need to have a Unique URL of the video. Remember the shortcuts to download your favorite video in just 2 minutes. Once done, you are good to download the Facebook private video either in HD quality/SD quality.į is an effective way to download videos from Facebook. Now click the Download option, sit back till the download page loads.Select all (Ctrl+A) and Paste (Ctrl+V) in the 3rd step. Press Ctrl+U (if you are using Windows) or Command + Option + U (If you are using a Mac) it’ll lead you to the page source code. How to get the source code? It is way too easy.

download facebook video downloader for chrome

In the 3rd step, you need to enter the source code for downloading the video.When you paste the link, the 2nd step will be filled in automatically.Copy (Ctrl+C) the video URL and Paste (Ctrl+V) it in the 1st step of.

download facebook video downloader for chrome

  • Open the private Facebook video you want to download on one tab.
  • You just need to have a stable network and a working laptop or PC, then follow the given steps: The Online Facebook Video Downloader, ‘FBDownloader’ is a good tool for downloading Facebook videos. But, to download private Facebook videos, options are limited.īelow are some online Facebook video downloaders through which you start downloading private videos. There are many online tools for downloading Facebook videos. The world of the internet is full of wonders and new ideas. How to download them? How to Download Facebook Video (having privacy issues) Facebook videos with their privacy setting set to other than ‘Public’ are the private videos.

    Download facebook video downloader for chrome